Tuesday, September 27, 2005


today i ate the arugula from my newly planted garden, a wood stave half-barrel on my porch which i planted a few weeks ago after first moving into the new place on 5th street in berkeley; filled with overly peaty 'potting' soil left from the former renter.

it's no great thing, no real profound connection to place or history. but it does make me feel good to know that in the midst of the madness of graduate school there is time for a small version of something i used to love to do, someone i used to love to be; taking little promises and giving them what they need to be fullfilled.

which in the end is not so much: space, time, sun, and a little water. they've already got everything else they need, all the instructions on what to do with what they're given.

so why is it that keeping promises is so hard?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

TimeLog Problem

I am looking for a program to do the following:

Accept a y-axis input of hours in the day, by 15min increment
Accept a x-axis input of days in the year
code a color value for every 1x1 square (15minx1day) based on activity/type

plot a long sheet
